calling all artists and makers!

Have an idea for a workshop or event you’d like to host and teach in the Persika Studio?

Submit a proposal below!


The Persika Studio and Gallery is located in Meltwater Studios in Bay View, Milwaukee. While the studio is primarily used for the day-to-day art-making magic and operations of Persika Design Co. and monthly workshops hosted by Christina, we are excited to be able to offer this space to be used for artists and makers from near and far to host and teach their own workshops!

If you’re interested in hosting a workshop in Persika Studio, please submit a proposal below and be as detailed as possible. Workshops are to be organized, promoted and taught by you! (Artists/Makers/Educators/etc)

Studio Offerings:

  • A 1,200 square foot, colorful, light-filled, beautiful space with natural light and plenty of cozy fixtures and furniture to host your event

  • Ample working-table space for up to 16 participants and seating for up to 30 participants

  • Shared supplies include scissors, tape, glue sticks, paint brushes, string, pencils, materials for collage, colored pencils, etc

  • Once the workshop is approved and all details are agreed upon, we will create a website event listing (using your visuals) and help to promote the class on social media.

  • A team member on-site to provide access to the space.

  • Communication, organization, and email correspondence with participants to share information about the event and directions to the studio.


Instructor Requirements:

  • The instructor should provide all materials, supplies and tools necessary for the workshop unless previously discussed and agreed upon with Christina.

  • The instructor should plan to arrive early to set-up the space and stay after the event has ended to clean-up.

  • It is recommended that the instructor provides snacks and beverages, so please factor that into your ticket pricing.

  • The instructor is required to provide visual promotional materials for the event - specifically an image that can be used for the event listing and social media that adequately conveys the necessary information about the event.

  • If you would like to commission Christina to create the poster for your event for an additional fee, please include that request in your proposal information.


The studio charges a sliding scale rate for workshops based on the amount of time you are utilizing the space. The instructor payout is dependent on how many participants sign-up so it is imperative that you do the work to promote your workshop and get the sign-ups you need.

The instructor will receive a payout equal to the number of enrolled, paying participants minus the facility fee and payment processing fees.

Facility Fees:

$250 for a 2-hour workshop (plus up to an additional 2 hours for set-up and clean-up)

An additional $100 per hour for up to 6 hours

*Exceptions for unique proposals* If, in consideration of lower ticket price points and/or attendance rates, your workshop ends up grossing roughly equal to or less than the facility fees, we will split the gross total minus processing fees.

Please be patient with as it may take up to a few weeks for me (Christina) to respond to proposal requests. If your request is confirmed, you will be given your choice of 3 possible dates and you will need to get all marketing materials to me at least 2 weeks prior to the workshop date.